
What is a Concussion?

A concussion is a brain injury caused by a sudden hit, bump or blow to the head, face, neck, or other parts of the body. Such impacts can cause the brain to move quickly within the skull. If this movement is hard enough, it can cause injury to the brain and changes to the way the brain works.


  • Every year about 1,000 people visit the emergency department in Waterloo Region due to concussions.
  • People of any age can get a concussion.
  • Only a medical doctor or nurse practitioner can diagnose a concussion and they will help you in your recovery based on your individual needs.
  • A concussion can occur as a result of any number of activities including sports, recreational or everyday activities.
  • Common causes of concussions include slips, trips and falls, motor vehicle crashes, and being struck by or against an object or another person.
  • Children and youth are more likely to get a concussion, and take longer to recover than adults.
  • No two concussions are the same and each concussion needs a different plan for recovery.
  • Concussions can occur without loss of consciousness.
  • Recovery from a concussion is a gradual process and can take a long time for some people.
  • There is no protective equipment that protects you from getting a concussion, not even helmets! Equipment can help reduce the risk and severity of injuries to the face and skull such as fractures.
  • Concussions cannot be seen or diagnosed by imaging tests such as X-rays or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans.

Presented by Dr. Mike Evans

External Resources

More information about concussions can be found on the following websites:

If you are looking for information about concussion legislation, visit the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport website

Related Information

Contact Us

Public Health and Paramedic Services General Inquiries
99 Regina Street South, Waterloo, Ontario N2J 4V3

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Deaf and Hard of Hearing (TTY): 519-575-4608
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